Darren’s Blog: "Darren’s Blog
Welcome! I will try my best to keep you up to date on what is happening with the film here, as well as give you insights into what I am working on next. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can."
BHT has "discovered" some new info on Miracles, God style. This is very exciting of course because if Jesus is returning in, well, September (for lack of anything more specific), one would expect that some unusual things would be going on. Here is a guy going around filming these unusual things, miracles perhaps. And if things go beyond September (perchance) life may become even more thrilling.
BHT while visiting China many years ago had the privilege of meeting Dennis Balcombe (mentioned in interview). Gratuitous name drop. It was a Bible transfer kind of thing, if you know what I mean.
View a 2 part interview with Darren Wilson:
Interview 1
Interview 2