Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Brotherhood of Darkness

The audience seems to miss the point. Notice during the Q&A how the audience' preconceptions and agendas keep them from understanding. We are all looking for some group, man, organization to blame for all out troubles. We are all looking for some human logic. The culprit was identified by Jesus, Paul and trough out the Bible. Lucifer and his willing human minions are what is being discussed. Miss that point and little of what happens today and the days to come make sense.

IRAQ Road to World Government

We need not buy into every detail of the suggested conspiracies. Maybe details are not being sold but legitimately questioned. What we should understand is there is a power behind these unexplainable horrors that is not "flesh and blood" to quote Paul the apostle.

So what do we do? For one we make sure our personal priorities are correct. The owner's manual (Bible) is a good place to determine those priorities. We are told that "He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world." Daniel knew this while in the lion's den. We need to remember this when we are in the lion's den with him, no matter how tough it appears.

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