Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Middle Coast: Bachmann on Offense

Smart Politics: Bachmann 'Sends a Message to the Left': Raises $89,000 in One Day. She does well raising money especially from individuals and donors. And get your conservative women calendar here.
The NY Times today takes a whack at her, referring to Bachmann as an "agitator", though they do note further down,

Still, Ms. Bachmann, a lawyer, former state senator and mother of five who with her husband, Marcus, a clinical therapist, has opened their home to 23 foster children
Obviously suspect.

The Middle Coast: Bachmann on Offense


Go Bachmann! Instead of rolling over to Liberal correctness, she is stepping it up. Some believe that when conservatives in office behave as conservatives they remain in office. When they assume the mugwump position they lose. Michelle Bachmann is no mugwump.

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